There are a number of methods that help with stress which is one of the top health issues today. Some of those are meditation, tapping,  biofeedback, and breathwork. 

We all breathe but breathwork regulates breathing to calm the nervous system, creating more peace, and even gives you more energy. 

There are different methods of breathwork out there – some free and some paid courses. I wanted to share a simple exercise to help maintain your peace with all that is happening in the world right now, not to mention what may be going on for you personally. With sharing breathwork on my mind, this lovely method popped into my inbox from the HeartMath Institute – synchronicity! 

I first came across the HeartMath Institute many years ago when my husband used some of their research and practices in his corporate leadership trainings. What an amazing body of knowledge they have with their ongoing research and educational resources. If you are interested in more information on HeartMath you can find them at

Heart-Focused Breathing™ Technique from the HeartMath Institute

Focus your attention on your heart area. Breathe a little deeper than normal through your nose, in for 6 seconds and out for 6 seconds. Now imagine while breathing that you’re doing it through your heart. You may find that placing your hand over your heart helps you maintain your focus there.

“Coherence is the state when the heart, mind and emotions are in energetic alignment and cooperation,” according to HeartMath Institute Research Director Dr. Rollin McCraty. “When the physiological coherence mode is driven by a positive emotional state, we call it psychophysiological coherence.”

And holding an intention while you practice breathwork adds an even more powerful dimension. 

Have you tried breathwork? If so, what benefits have you found from it? I’d love to hear about your experiences!

Lisa Gylsen
Lisa Gylsen

Hi! I’m HealthCoachLisa. In addition to health coaching, I’m also a biofeedback practitioner, and a home educating mom to 2 teenagers, 2 dogs & a cat. I mentor health freedom seekers through coaching, training, and sharing holistic health info that really resonates with me. Read more...