The number of toxins in the world is now crazy and continues to increase. They have even found toxins in baby’s umbilical cords, so no one is immune from them. Detoxification is a huge subject that many books have been written about. I’m providing an overview to highlight why you need to detox and some tips that you can easily implement. 

Your body is absolutely amazing in how it cleanses the organs and blood. It is a perfect system. However, with this incredible proliferation of toxins in the world, and perhaps not always having the best lifestyle practices, your body can get bogged down. With this overload, you can’t detox fast enough through the normal channels.

Here are some warning signs that you have toxic overload:

  • Ongoing fatigue
  • Autoimmune problems 
  • Skin issues 
  • Brain fog 
  • Frequent headaches
  • Trouble losing weight 
  • Sleep problems 

These are the types of toxins:

  • Heavy metals – mercury most common from fillings and fish
  • Pesticides
  • Energetic toxicity – from chaotic and radioactive waves
  • Emotional toxicity
  • Food toxins
  • Environmental toxins

Toxic foods:

  • GMO foods
  • Hybridised & processed grains
  • Alcohol
  • Soft drinks
  • Processed foods
  • Low-quality supplements
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Poor quality animal products
  • Sugar
  • Rancid processed oils

Best food detoxing tips:

  • Leafy greens and other green vegetables
  • Organic wholefood plant foods
  • Raw fruit and vegetables
  • Non-allergenic foods (avoid nuts & legumes)
  • Salt-free foods (allows elimination of extra sodium & fluid retention)
  • Gluten & grain free
  • Sugar & sweetener-free
  • Avoid animal products (except occasional organic regenerative meat)

Things you can easily implement to start detoxing and help your body catch up:

  • Start eating more cleanly
  • Use organic cleaning products
  • Replace poor-quality cosmetics and personal care products
  • Yuka is an app that rates personal care products and food and is interesting to use when grocery shopping
  • I have made my own toothpaste, deodorant, and body oil from easy recipes found on Pinterest (it’s fun and great to get the kids involved too)
  • Filter your water & avoid bottled water
  • Use an air filter
  • Replace non-stick cookware
  • Replace mercury fillings
  • Have a strong & positive intention while cleansing and choosing healthier options
  • Practice forgiveness and gratitude to remove emotional toxicity trapped in the proteins of our bodies
  • Fat stores toxins so detox vs diet to remove toxins and release fat
  • For reducing energetic toxicity & for EMF protection use Powerspots on all mobile devices and other electronic equipment. These are the ones I’ve been using for years and highly recommend: Powerspots.

Quantum Biofeedback also has balancing frequencies for detoxing which is very cool! You still need to start implementing things from the list above to stop the toxic build-up in your body. But how amazing to have a powerful tool and an easy way to speed your detox process and support your body toward total wellness.

Lisa Gylsen
Lisa Gylsen

Hi! I’m HealthCoachLisa. In addition to health coaching, I’m also a biofeedback practitioner, and a home educating mom to 2 teenagers, 2 dogs & a cat. I mentor health freedom seekers through coaching, training, and sharing holistic health info that really resonates with me. Read more...