When we think about our goals, we typically think about all the things we want in our life. Here’s another angle. What if we think about the things we want to let go of to have our best life? The things that are holding us back from having our best life. 

Here are five things you get to let go of to live your best life:

Toxic Foods

So many people are looking to lose weight. But they think that cutting calories will do it. It won’t. Lower calories doesn’t equal better food. We need to look at eliminating the toxic food – processed foods, foods with pesticides, ‘diet products’, artificial sweeteners, too much caffeine or alcohol. These are not nourishing you or your body. You want to feel vibrant so choose vibrant foods. Eat a rainbow of vibrant colours. Make it fun. Try different things each week. Reaching for the crisps or the sweets is answering your emotional calls. Learn to listen to what your body is actually calling for, not your emotions. In the produce section, learn to follow what your body is drawn to. Be creative. Be adventurous. Feel amazing. 

Toxic Environment

Every day we are exposed to more than 700,000 toxins – through our skin, through our food, in the air, through electromagnetic frequencies. How crazy is that.  It’s impossible to eliminate all toxins from your environment but there are steps you can take to reduce that load on your body. You can get a weekly organic box, you can use the Yuka app to see the rating on products while you are shopping, you can try making your own natural personal care products – see Pinterest for loads of ideas, you can use EMF optimiser spots on all your electrical devices, and I’m sure you can think of more…

Toxic People

We can’t be everything to everyone. We need to focus on the people that we are in alignment with. These are the people who celebrate you and want to see you succeed – and you celebrate them and want to see them succeed. I know how hard it is to let people go. Sometimes changes in life dictate it, sometimes you need to dictate it. You know who they are. Just let go. Surround yourself with your people. Feel the love and grow exponentially in that love. 

Toxic Job

Many people work in toxic jobs. It may be the environment, the culture, the actual job, or the people. If it’s dragging you down, stressing you out, depressing you, or making you sick then maybe you need to do some serious thinking about your future there. I don’t mean something that you just don’t love, or something you can work out with some good communication. I mean truly toxic. So what do you do? Do you start looking for another job before you leave the toxic job? Or do you stretch yourself into a whole new direction or build your own business? The world is really your oyster. Don’t believe that you can’t make a change. You can. Have a strong intention, reach deep into your creativity, initiative, and power. You do have the power to make the right change and create success. 

Toxic Mindset

That little voice in your head that tells you you aren’t good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, strong enough, or worthy enough is total crap. That is not who you are. You are beautiful, strong, intelligent, and completely capable. When you really make the decision to make a big change in your life, you can silence that voice and live with a powerful intention. You may have to keep kicking it out, especially at first, until you are fully living that new intention. 

To have a different life, you have to make different choices and commit to the shifts necessary. Let go of what no longer serves you and make space for the incredible opportunities and experiences that are coming. 

Lisa Gylsen
Lisa Gylsen

Hi! I’m HealthCoachLisa. In addition to health coaching, I’m also a biofeedback practitioner, and a home educating mom to 2 teenagers, 2 dogs & a cat. I mentor health freedom seekers through coaching, training, and sharing holistic health info that really resonates with me. Read more...