I believe there are three aspects to nervous system healing:

  1. Balance Your Body with the Holistic Practices

The first step is to get our bodies in as balanced a state as possible. When we get our sleep, nutrition, movement, and other basic functions right, we feel more grounded, energetic, and alive. We also need to learn to set clear boundaries to avoid being pulled out of that balanced state. The objective of balance and boundaries is that it puts us in a better place to react in a more positive way to stress and hopefully minimize the impact it has on us. 

  1. Nervous System Regulation Tools 

The second aspect is to have a set of regulation tools that you can use to handle stress or anxiety quickly as it rears its head. These include:

  • Breathwork – there are many types so you may need to play around with the technique which works best for you. One good one as you feel anxiety rise is 2 quick intakes of breath and then one long one. Do that several times.
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)/Tapping – The Tapping Solution app is good and there are many videos on YouTube that deal with anxiety as well so that you can come up with your own best tapping routine.
  • Somatic Exercises – There are lots of these that you can do at different times – bedtime or during a daytime break. Quick and easy ones that I like are the butterfly tap or alternating thigh taps or shaking it out.
  • Music – A quick blast of an inspiring song that shifts your focus immediately.
  • Frequency Balancing – A one minute balance with healing frequencies (including emotions, hormones, neurotransmitters, & energy medicine) on your Quanta Capsule App. 

These are some quick and easy ones that you can use in-the-moment. And there are many others that you can gather for your toolkit as well. Being balanced and having regulation tools to help, put you in a much stronger position to work towards healing trauma. 

  1. Nervous System Healing 

Anxiety and panic symptoms happen when the amygdala gets stuck in its perception that you are in constant danger. 

So we, as the loving operator of our body, need to communicate to it that it is safe.

Here are ways to communicate safety and compassion daily to build resilience and true healing:

  • Examine the Source – Take action on making the changes in your business or personal life to minimize or eliminate the stress if at all possible.
  • Visualize Success – Start your day with seeing yourself peacefully handling all situations that might arise. Make this part of your wake-up routine until it is firmly embedded.
  • Communicate Safety – Find 3 specific times during your day to communicate to your body that you are safe and everything is okay. This will rewire your brain.
  • Live in Gratitude – This powerful habit builds stronger nervous and immune systems.
  • Prepare Ahead – Plan to have a few minutes of time before triggering events to breathe or regulate if necessary and visualize a peaceful and successful event. 
  • Opt Out of Drama – with family, friends, or at work. 
  • Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Stop worrying about things you can’t control or that really won’t matter down the road.
  • Forgiveness – Practice the amazing art of forgiveness – of yourself and others. This is huge.
  • Flip the Switch – on your negative thoughts and beliefs. When you notice them coming up, stop and see the truth – that they are not reality. Keep doing this until they slow down and eventually stop coming up. 
  • Spend Time in Nature – for the inspiration and healing that nature provides. A quick walk makes a big difference.
  • Stop Alcohol – This significantly affects mental health.
  • Celebrate Your Progress – Celebrate all wins, big and small.

And Most Important: 

✨Pay Full Attention to Your Feelings for Healing Integration✨

I know this sounds hard, but find a way to make the space for this process. 

  • When your anxiety arises, take a few minutes to pay full attention to all the feelings in your body. Don’t push them away but rather stay with them until you are fully centered in them. Then give your body your full compassion. Communicate to your body that it is now safe to stop running the program to protect you. Completely feel the safety and trust. 
  • Then be aware of the communication that comes back to you, either then or over the next few days – an inspiration to call someone, an action to take, or perhaps a memory from the past to complete and release. The trust, these messages, and your actions and responses are the process of integration of the stress and trauma with your body.

Remember that all of this is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight, but by building this safety, compassion, and trust into your communication with your body on a daily basis, you can step fully back into your power. Always choose to come from totally loving your body and your body will love you back. And don’t ever be afraid to reach out for help.

Please share with me your best regulation and healing tools and what has brought you the most benefit. 

I’d love to support you in your healing journey.

Lisa Gylsen
Lisa Gylsen

Hi! I’m HealthCoachLisa. In addition to health coaching, I’m also a biofeedback practitioner, and a home educating mom to 2 teenagers, 2 dogs & a cat. I mentor health freedom seekers through coaching, training, and sharing holistic health info that really resonates with me. Read more...